Nearly 50 early childhood stakeholders affirmed our 2030 goal at State of the State event

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Forum for the Future hosted a virtual event on November 4, 2021 to share and explain their 2030 goal with early childhood stakeholders across Mississippi. as well as their plan to achieve it. The event was designed to discuss and explore:

  • The framework that Mississippi Forum for the Future is using to break down silos and achieve meaningful, results-oriented collaboration across sectors.
  • Findings from interviews that Forum members conducted with Mississippi childcare providers, early childhood system leaders, and parents. We also discussed how our findings aligned with existing quantitative and qualitative data on early childhood in Mississippi.
  • How to map out a pathway forward, and to help participants determine where they fit into this work.

If you would like to watch a shortened version of State of the State, you can watch this video. The video shortens the 3-hour event to just one hour, and hits the following highlights:

  • Who is Forum for the Future & What is Collective Impact? – Beginning to minute 28:23
  • What We Learned from Statewide Interviews: Minute 28:24 to 51:50
  • Our Vision for the Future: Minute 51:51 to the end

Following the event, we created a summary document to share major takeaways from the event, and to make it easy for participants to share information with their networks. The summary document includes:

  • A quick overview of the Forum for the Future and the State of the State event
  • Major takeaways from the State of the State
  • Our current status and next steps for our work
  • A detailed summary of State of the State participant feedback shared during small group discussions