MELA exists to build, strengthen, and support coalitions to advocate for systems change to improve early learning and child development outcomes in our state.

The first 8 years of a child’s life are critically important.
During their first years of life, children’s brains and bodies are growing and changing rapidly. Brain development during their early years, paired with the cognitive, social and emotional skills they learn at the same time, will influence their lifelong health and success. The first 8 years of a child’s life can build the foundation for future learning, health, and economic stability.

When our children thrive, our state will thrive.
We believe that improving outcomes for children is a public issue for which everyone is responsible. The holistic development of Mississippi’s children is the single most important accomplishment we can achieve to improve the quality of life in our state.

Working together is the only way to make lasting change.
We believe that the most impactful change can happen when two things happen: first, decision-makers must engage with parents, early childhood professionals, and other community members to understand the complexities of their lives. Second, a diverse group of stakeholders – state leaders, practitioners, business leaders, subject matter experts, and more – must work together to create and implement solutions that meet the needs of children and families in Mississippi.

Looking for information about Forum for the Future?
The Mississippi Early Learning Alliance serves as the backbone behind Forum for the Future, a movement to transform the early childhood system in Mississippi. More specifically, Forum for the Future is a coalition of childcare providers, early childhood organizations, business leaders, and policymakers working to break down silos and leverage our combined resources and expertise to accomplish commons goals. Right now, the common goal is: By 2030, Mississippi’s childhood system will be state-of-the-art, fueled by robust data, resources, and cross-sector collaboration to meet the needs of all children & families.
Latest News, Events & Resources
Posted: February 14, 2025 Happy Valentine’s Day! Biz Harris, MELA Executive Director, shares a brief legislative update as of February 14, 2025. For more information on the bills… We are so thrilled for the amount of people that have RSVP’d for the morning tracks that we reached max capacity! It is all because of your amazing support of… Dear Partners and Friends, As we enter the new year, we at the Mississippi Early Learning Alliance (MELA) want to reflect and celebrate all the ways we supported our partners… There has been a lot of activity at the Capital this fall, so we wanted to send a quick video update for those of you who may not have… Fall is in the air, and a fresh sense of renewal and opportunity comes with it. As the leaves begin to change, we are excited to share some new and… Alexis HicksAdvocacy & PolicyDirector Birth-to-Three Advocacy Coalition of Mississippi Recognizing the importance of early childhood education and development outcomes, the Mississippi Forum For the Future is proud to announce the…Legislative Session Updates
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MS Forum For the Future’s Advocacy Coalition