MS Forum For the Future's
State of Babies in Mississippi
Registration is now open for the Mississippi Forum For the Future’s State of Babies in Mississippi on August 27, 2024. We will be gathering in-person at the Eagle Ridge Conference Center in Raymond, Miss. from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
The Mississippi Forum For the Future is a coalition created to bring together members from all early childhood disciplines to move forward with a common agenda that will see Mississippi children thrive.
As the movement advances forward, we will never lose sight of the four priorities of the Forum For the Future’s Early Care Agenda, but the new Steering Committee will be drafting two news areas of focus for the Forum, Healthy Children and Strong Families.
We encourage you to join us in a crucial conversation about the state of babies in our community. At this event, Mississippi leaders in infant and toddler issues areas will share information about Mississippi’s current status as it relates to maternal health, birth justice, home visiting, child nutrition, early intervention, and more. Then, we will break into focus groups so that attendees can share their own personal and organizational priorities and perspectives.
Your insights and expertise are vital in understanding the current landscape and identifying ways to ensure every baby has a healthy start and a strong foundation.

AUGUST 20, 2024
*lunch will be provided
11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
1500 Raymond Lake Road
Raymond, MS 39154